Best Study Visa Consultant In Chandigarh

Student Visa Consultant

Which is the Best Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh?

Study visa is the kind of visa that you need if you want to travel abroad to get educated in one of the foreign universities and hence is the most popular one among the youth. Many Indian students wish to go to various developed countries to acquire degrees in courses popular in their respective fields. As it is a complex and long process, it is advised that you consult a good Study Visa Consultant for this. Chandigarh is the city beautiful and a dream destination for people who wish to apply for visa to go abroad because you can get the best study visa consultants here. Following are some of the good Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh:

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Which is the Best Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh?

Study visa is the kind of visa that you need if you want to travel abroad to get educated in one of the foreign universities and hence is the most popular one among the youth. Many Indian students wish to go to various developed countries to acquire degrees in courses popular in their respective fields. As it is a complex and long process, it is advised that you consult a good Study Visa Consultant for this. Chandigarh is the city beautiful and a dream destination for people who wish to apply for visa to go abroad because you can get the best study visa consultants here. Following are some of the good Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh:

  • Abroad Gateway
  • Charms Education
  • Quest Immigration
  • Kingsway Immigration
  • Hallmark

Abroad Gateway:

Located in sector 42 of Chandigarh, this consultancy firm offers its services for all kinds of visa, be it study visa, PR visa, spouse visa, tourist visa or visitor visa. It has established itself as the Best study visa consultant in Chandigarh by providing quality service to all the clients who choose them as their agent.

Ample Knowledge of the available educational institutes:

Having detailed knowledge about the various courses and programs is essential to be the best study visa consultant in Chandigarh or anywhere else and that is one of the great qualities of Abroad Gateway. Every nation has reputed universities which are known for some or the other subject, a knowledgeable consultant knows which educational institute is better for which subject keeping in mind the future prospects of their client. For example; Humber College is best for the poly-technique education which teaches theory along with the practical implementation and leads to great job opportunities post completion of the course.

Vast Experience:

Abroad Gateway has vast experience in getting student visa for its clients and is doing this for more than a decade now. During this period, it had helped thousands of the students get the study visa for their preferred country for their preferred program. This experience is beneficial for the customers as every nation has its own pros and cons and to make a wise decision. It is necessary that your visa agent explains the positives and negatives of a place, university or country so that you can see things in bright light.


It comes as an added merit of contacting Abroad Gateway as student visa agent that it can provide you best possible training to prepare for the English language tests which is mandatory to apply for the visa to any native English speaking country. They have expert, experienced trainers which will ensure best preparation for you to clear the exam with the desired scores.


Thorough Knowledge of application process:

As the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, this consultancy is thorough with the application process to get the visa for different countries. So that their clients get admission in their favourite university, the visa counsellors of this place write the SOP themselves for them, unlike others which only copy and paste the SOPs available on the internet. It is extremely important that it is free from any plagiarism and that is why writing it from scratch keeping in mind the important aspects is the best option. The Statement of Purpose is not only written to get the offer letter from the university but also written for the embassy sometimes while applying for the visa.

Also, they understand that sometimes due to lack of good scores in the school exam or English proficiency tests many youngsters lose hope to go overseas for higher education. The Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh will be able to offer options to them as well, for example; University of Alberta or Brock University.

Guidance related to Work Permit:

In many nations international students are allowed to work along with study because they need to earn extra money to cover their living expenses and as a student visa applicant you need to know the eligibility criteria and laws related to that. The visa counsellors in Abroad Gateway are able to guide you about this. Also, on completion of the course you can apply for the work permit to be able to work in your field to acquired relative experience which will be a great to have a fruitful professional life.


Which is the best company for student visa?

There are ample of options available for an individual to apply for study visa in Chandigarh which is great but gives rise to a lot of confusion. It usually becomes a big task to find the Best Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh because all of them claim to be the best which cannot be true. Here are some of the credible student visa agents in Chandigarh:


  1. Abroad Gateway
  2. Fly touch Overseas
  3. Charms
  4. IBT Overseas
  5. Dolphin Head Hunters
  6. British IELTS
  7. Skyline Immigrations
  8. Western Overseas
  9. New Cambridge College
  10. Landmark


Abroad Gateway:

Abroad Gateway has made its presence felt in the immigration industry for almost a decade now and is going great owing to the exceptional services provided to all its clients. In this era of cut throat competition, thriving for so long is definitely not easy but this consultancy made it possible due to the determination and honest efforts of its employees. It was able to increase its clientele over the years through word of mouth which is really commendable in this fast changing world. If you are reading this then it means that you are looking for the Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, so let us make it clear why it should be your first choice.

Comprehensive Information of Educational Institutes Overseas:

The first and most prominent quality of any visa agent is the amount of knowledge he or she has about the courses available in universities across the globe so that the best options could be offered to the student visa aspirants. The visa counsellors of Abroad Gateway possess extensive knowledge about the reputation of colleges or educational institutions for each field of education so that the best guidance is provided to the visa applicant because various countries have reputed universities which offer courses in many fields but not all have same recognition for a particular subject. For instance, the University of Toronto or University of Montreal are the best one for Computer Science in Canada.  

Practical Career Guidance: Education is the foundation of the career, for a flourishing career it is utmost important that you have the best education possible. That is why the education should be pursued in the subjects as per the demand of the employment market. The best student visa agents in Chandigarh – Abroad Gateway guide the clients well to choose the best course and university which have better scope professionally in future.

Great Exposure of Student Visa Process: The complex process of student visa application is a challenge for people to understand and follow but the team Abroad Gateway is able to make it simple and easy for you to know what and how things are done due to the great exposure to these processes that they had while working on different types of visa cases over the years. This rich experience has made them more resourceful as they are aware of the complete know-how of the student visa procedure for all the preferred countries.    

Good Interpersonal Skills: Being able to connect well with the clients makes Abroad Gateway the best student visa agent in Chandigarh. The employees have great people skills and social skills. They are able to understand their clients’ circumstances and personal choices extremely well which is why they suggest the best options and offer extra services to help them out. They do not leave any stone unturned to fulfil their dreams and aspirations.

Clear Communication: Clarity and transparency about the policies, processes and actionable is greatly appreciated by everyone and that is what you always get from the visa team of the Abroad Gateway. They believe that clear communication is the basic right of their clients and it is their responsibility, which is the reason they ensure that the applicants are always informed about the progress of their application so that they can be at peace and do not worry unnecessarily.

Advanced Preparation of English Language Skills: Abroad Gateway is not like other student visa consultants which deal with only that as it also provides the best IELTS or other English language tests coaching to prepare the aspirant to crack these test in one go. The team of highly efficient and competent teachers at AG teach all the skills required along with rigorous practice to ensure the success in the aim.


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Why Choose Abroad Gateway for Student Visa in Chandigarh?


Abroad Gateway is the immigration consultancy firm in Chandigarh which is known for being the best in the industry. It undertakes all types of visa processing including the student visa for all the popular countries and prestigious universities. If you want to send your children overseas to get better education and are looking for an efficient Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh then you must reach out to Abroad Gateway.

The attributes making AG the Best Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh:

Quality Service: Abroad Gateway has a team of visa professionals who have expertise in visa filing process for the students who dream of completing their studies abroad. This team is very proficient in the field of abroad education and is committed to give the best quality services to all its clients because they believe, “customer is God”. The repeat clients and the new clients referred by the old ones are the proof of the enriching experience they had with the Abroad Gateway team.

Erudite Team: The team Abroad Gateway consists of the erudite professionals who have detailed knowledge about the merits and demerits of getting educated in each of the popular nation as per the field of interest, therefore they bring the best option available for a student on the table which will make the foundation for a lucrative career path.

Along with that, they have excellent understanding of the end to end process to be followed for student visa application for various countries as it differs depending upon the respective laws of immigration in the nation. There could be difference in the type of documents needed or the requirement of the SOP for the purpose of getting the admission offer from a renowned educational institute or any other variation.

Focussed Team: Being the Best Student Visa Consultants in Chandigarh, the visa team at Abroad Gateway is much focussed and pays undiluted attention to each and every client. When they take up a case they take complete responsibility of that ensuring unhindered processing of the visa filing. They write the Statement of Purpose for each student applicant for university from beginning to end explaining the need to get enrolled and the credibility of the candidature for the same. That is not all, they also write the same for the embassy to be attached with the visa application form.

The team stays ahead of the process in each stage and works proactively to get assured visa for you and keep the clients in the loop so that they are also informed and updated.

Prudent Practice: The AG team works prudently on each file to remove all the obstacles on the way resourcefully so that you dream is not shattered. For example; if you have scored a little less but are determined to work hard to pursue your education abroad then they will research and suggest you the universities and educational programs that you can apply for. Similarly, if you have decided late to go to a foreign country to study then they will be able to advise you to apply to universities which give offer letter quickly so that you do not miss the bus.

English Language Coaching: Abroad Gateway has experienced and qualified trainers to make you ready for the tests like IELTS, PTE or other tests. It has the provision of the online as well as offline coaching for the students which they can choose as per their convenience. The trainers are experts and teach as per the curriculum which is well crafted to deliver the best output.

Strong Moral Values: Abroad Gateway has earned its name and reputation owing to the strong belief in the good moral values like honesty, kindness, ethics etc. This runs throughout the company, from top to the bottom. They take accountability of all their actions and are answerable for them. They are sympathetic and empathetic towards their clients and try everything possible to make their clients happy.

Exceeding the Client’s Expectations: All the above listed attributes make AG the topmost Student Visa Consultant in Chandigarh but they have more than that for you. They provide assistance to get student loan which is needed in most of the cases as it is little expensive and many students just drop the idea of studying abroad due to lack of sufficient funds. Besides that, it can help you plan your travel and book tickets for you too along with arranging foreign currency for you at low rates with minimal fee.

It is truly providing you all the services under one roof so that you do not have the need to run around to different places to complete different chores.


Who is the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh?

Education is the fundamental right of every person and one should have the freedom to get educated wherever they want. Awareness of this has made many youngsters shift abroad to have better educational opportunities because as an adult it is expected that you earn well to have a better life for yourself as well as your family. Annually, a great number of students go abroad to complete their higher education and the popular countries for them are Canada, Australia, UK, USA, New Zealand and few more. To fulfil their dream to study abroad a lot of pupils come to Chandigarh which offers them better preparation and processing regarding the various procedures but this industry is full of consultancies which do not know the right ways to handle things and just misguide the clients. Thus, you need to be too careful while choosing the Student visa agents in Chandigarh.

Let me take this opportunity to disclose the Best study visa consultant in Chandigarh for you which is Abroad Gateway and let us dig deep into the reasons for that:

Detailed Knowledge of:

  • Universities & Colleges: Abroad Gateway is the consultancy which houses the visa agents who have tremendous knowledge about the various universities and colleges in all the preferred countries and that is why they are able to provide you with all the possible options so that you have huge variety to choose from. Only a good Visa Agent in Chandigarh will tell you that private universities which are DLI approved are as good as the public ones.
  • Courses in demand: The team here knows quite well which courses are in demand because they are the ones which will be beneficial from future’s perspective. Also, they do know which college or university is better for which field, for example; British Columbia is really good for Hospitality.
  • Jobs in demand: As there are ample of courses in each field nowadays, it becomes confusing for you to pick the right one. Here the visa counsellor is of great help if he or she is the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. The team at Abroad Gateway is well aware of the job market around the world, therefore they are capable of guiding you to go for the program or field that will reap benefits in the upcoming years.
  • Documentation Required: The visa counsellors of this organization keep themselves well versed with the documentation needed to file the visa for a specific country. They are the first ones to know about any changes in the policies and procedures related to immigration of students.

In-depth knowledge of procedure:

  • SOP Writing: Statement of purpose is a very important piece of document for the student visa and writing it is an art which not everyone can master. Most of the consultants copy and paste the SOPs available online and that is the reason it gets rejected due to plagiarism. Understanding it too well the team here writes the SOP themselves taking the information from you and putting it clearly for the officials so that they are convinced that you are the right candidate. Also, they have the capability to write the SOP for both, the university as well as the embassy.
  • Presentation of file: Once all the documents are available and the admission offer letter is received, the visa consultant applies for the visa in the embassy. It is crucial that they are presented in an organized way and in a certain sequence for the ease of the visa officer.
  • Work Permit: Everyone who studies abroad must apply for the work permit towards the end of their course so that they could acquire the relevant experience to be able to have better job opportunities and a thriving career.

Client Oriented: What makes Abroad Gateway the Best Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh is the fact that for them client is the priority and the whole staff does what is best for their client. Hence, they proactively interact with the college representatives to get the update on the processing of the application and also share that with the client so that they rest assured that everything is progressing in the right direction. It is your right as a client and they take it as their duty which only an ethical organisation understands.


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How to Explore the Visa Consultant in Chandigarh



Abroad Gateway is one of the premier Top visa consultants in Chandigarh and has been delivering desired results to all the clients who choose it as their pilot for the journey of getting the visa of the preferred country. In its long tenure Abroad Gateway has observed a lot of issues and challenges that the visa aspirants face and has ensured that none of its clients go through the same.

There are countless immigration consultants in Chandigarh owing to the high numbers of students, working professionals or tourists who come to the city to apply for their visa. It is true that some of the finest ones are present in the city beautiful, however, it is a fact that cheats and imposters are also present in good numbers leading to immigration frauds every other day. To avoid such people we advise you to either come to us directly or visit a genuine player in the market. Contacting an inexperienced Top 10 Visa Consultant in Chandigarh could result in various problems and issues which might delay the process or lead to the negative outcome. Let’s discuss the kinds of issues that arise one by one.

Following are the challenges faced while applying for the visa:

  • Not meeting eligibility Criteria: To become able to apply for any type of visa to any country, it is necessary that you fulfill the mentioned eligibility criteria. For instance, in case of student visa the aspirant needs to have a certain proficiency in the English language (proven by the IELTS bands).
  • Insufficient funds: Unavailability of enough funds is the biggest challenge that many people face, however, there are ways to tackle that too. For example, in case of the student visa, the applicant can apply for scholarship to reduce the cost of education and also take the education loan to have funds for education.
  • Lack of clarity regarding the Purpose of visit: It is necessary that you clearly state the purpose of visit for the visa officer so that he or she is clear about your genuine intention behind seeking the visa for their country. If you fail to do so, the application will be rejected. Many times it has been seen that the consultants who are not very proficient in the English language are not able to write it themselves and ask the client to write the SOP (statement of purpose) which fails to convey the right intent. Some consultants write the SOP but due to poor English language skills, they are not able to do it effectively. Whatever may be the reason, the result is negative.
  • Incorrect or Incomplete Documentation: When it is the matter between two nations, it is imperative that the documents are complete and correct. It is a common scenario that visa refusals happen due to lack of required documents. Sometimes all the papers are attached with the visa application but the formats for them are not as per the set standards, consequently the application gets rejected.
  • Missing timelines: Deadlines are important in all the matters in life and missing deadlines shows lack of seriousness about the matter. In the visa application process too, there are timelines that one needs to follow, for example, to make necessary payments, to submit application etcetera. Everything ought to happen within the given time to have a hassle free and smooth processing.
  • Presentation of the details in the visa file: Apart from the above, another cause for rejection could be poor presentation of the documents in the visa file. The documents must be in an order so that there is no ambiguity regarding them and it tells the clear and correct story to the visa officer.
  • Facing the visa interview: In certain cases the applicant is expected to clear the face-to-face interview with the visa officer at the embassy to get the visa. Usually due to low confidence, lack of preparation and knowledge about the facts and nervousness, the applicants fail at this stage. Therefore a Best visa consultant in Chandigarh ensures that their clients are well prepared to face the interview.

To put it in a nutshell, the best way have a smooth and seamless visa application process is to choose a reputed and experienced Visa Consultant in Chandigarh for the purpose. Being the best in the market Abroad Gateway understands all these hurdles and has resources to assist its clients for all such challenges making the whole journey a smooth ride for them.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Finding a Reliable Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Abroad Gateway is one of the premier Top visa consultants in Chandigarh and has been delivering desired results to all the clients who choose it as their pilot for the journey of getting the visa of the preferred country. In its long tenure Abroad Gateway has observed a lot of issues and challenges that the visa aspirants face and has ensured that none of its clients go through the same.

There are countless immigration consultants in Chandigarh owing to the high numbers of students, working professionals or tourists who come to the city to apply for their visa. It is true that some of the finest ones are present in the city beautiful, however, it is a fact that cheats and imposters are also present in good numbers leading to immigration frauds every other day. To avoid such people we advise you to either come to us directly or visit a genuine player in the market. Contacting an inexperienced Top 10 Visa Consultant in Chandigarh could result in various problems and issues which might delay the process or lead to the negative outcome. Let’s discuss the kinds of issues that arise one by one.

Following are the challenges faced while applying for the visa:

  • Not meeting eligibility Criteria: To become able to apply for any type of visa to any country, it is necessary that you fulfill the mentioned eligibility criteria. For instance, in case of student visa the aspirant needs to have a certain proficiency in the English language (proven by the IELTS bands).
  • Insufficient funds: Unavailability of enough funds is the biggest challenge that many people face, however, there are ways to tackle that too. For example, in case of the student visa, the applicant can apply for scholarship to reduce the cost of education and also take the education loan to have funds for education.
  • Lack of clarity regarding the Purpose of visit: It is necessary that you clearly state the purpose of visit for the visa officer so that he or she is clear about your genuine intention behind seeking the visa for their country. If you fail to do so, the application will be rejected. Many times it has been seen that the consultants who are not very proficient in the English language are not able to write it themselves and ask the client to write the SOP (statement of purpose) which fails to convey the right intent. Some consultants write the SOP but due to poor English language skills, they are not able to do it effectively. Whatever may be the reason, the result is negative.
  • Incorrect or Incomplete Documentation: When it is the matter between two nations, it is imperative that the documents are complete and correct. It is a common scenario that visa refusals happen due to lack of required documents. Sometimes all the papers are attached with the visa application but the formats for them are not as per the set standards, consequently the application gets rejected.
  • Missing timelines: Deadlines are important in all the matters in life and missing deadlines shows lack of seriousness about the matter. In the visa application process too, there are timelines that one needs to follow, for example, to make necessary payments, to submit application etcetera. Everything ought to happen within the given time to have a hassle free and smooth processing.
  • Presentation of the details in the visa file: Apart from the above, another cause for rejection could be poor presentation of the documents in the visa file. The documents must be in an order so that there is no ambiguity regarding them and it tells the clear and correct story to the visa officer.
  • Facing the visa interview: In certain cases the applicant is expected to clear the face-to-face interview with the visa officer at the embassy to get the visa. Usually due to low confidence, lack of preparation and knowledge about the facts and nervousness, the applicants fail at this stage. Therefore a Best visa consultant in Chandigarh ensures that their clients are well prepared to face the interview.

To put it in a nutshell, the best way have a smooth and seamless visa application process is to choose a reputed and experienced Visa Consultant in Chandigarh for the purpose. Being the best in the market Abroad Gateway understands all these hurdles and has resources to assist its clients for all such challenges making the whole journey a smooth ride for them.

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Abroad Gateway

Abroad Gateway is a best name among IELTS Coaching Institutes and education visa consultant in Chandigarh.


Adres: SCO 45 ,1st floor, Sector 42 C,

Sector 42, Chandigarh, 160036
Telefoonnummer: 9780031919